We gathered at the Telkwa Christian Reformed Church at around 9:30 am and soon out came some awesome show and tell. First, we were really taken with the scrappy plaid based quilt Wendy is making from all of her husbands plaid shirts. She was inspired by Bonnie at Quiltville and her two great books on reusing clothing for the pure use of fabric.
Wendy's pattern "Hodge Podge" came from a 2001 magazine and its a little tricky for reusing as the pionts must line up and its a tricky thing when reusing.
We had two guests who became members after hanging with us for a few hours! Our day was filled with many good times and lots of laughter!
This lovely rail fence quilt was whipped up quick as a wink according to Barb who made it, lovely quilt and so fun to make!
Then we had to see this lovely king size quilt made by Wendy who also did the machine quilting, what a great quilter!
Our next "Quilt In" is on April 28th at the Telkwa Christian Reformed Church hall. We'll start at about 9:30 to 4 pm and its brown bag lunch.